The Complete Unraveling of the JFK Assassination
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1 Introduction/summary
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A1 Z328 Shot Signature Jolts and Cranial Eruptions: Z/N/M Films
A2 Brain-matter fallout for the Z328 shot: Z/N/M films
A3 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z328 Third Shot
A4 Z328 Shot Reflex Reactions: All Five Films
A5 Z328 Shot Close-Up Reflex Reactions: Z/N/M Films
B1 Z310 Shot Signature Jolts: Z/N/M films
B2 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z310 Second Shot
B3 Z310 Shot Reflex Reactions: All Five Films
B4 Z310 Shot Reflex Reaction Closeups: Z/N/M Films
C1 Z220 Shot Signature Jolt: Zapruder Film Only
C2 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z220 First Shot
C3 Z220 Shot Reflex Reactions including Closeups: Zapruder Film Only (Z224-Z228)
D1 Camera Jiggle Blurring: Zapruder Film
D2 Camera Jiggle Blurring: Nix and Muchmore Films
D3 Camera Jerk Blurring: Dorman and Wiegman Films
E1 Zapruder Film Bullet Shock Wave Blurring: Second and Third Shots
E2 Dorman Film Bullet Shock Wave Induced Blurring: All three shots
F Oswald shooting reflex reactions
Major Breakthrough in the JFK Assassination:
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A3 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z328 Third Shot
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"Visual Shot Identifiers": a brand new line of dramatic irrefutable evidence
C3 Z220 Shot Reflex Reactions including Closeups: Zapruder Film Only (Z224-Z228)
B3 Z310 Shot Reflex Reactions: All Five Films
B1 Z310 Shot Signature Jolts: Z/N/M films
D1 Camera Jiggle Blurring: Zapruder Film
D2 Camera Jiggle Blurring: Nix and Muchmore Films
D3 Camera Jerk Blurring: Dorman and Wiegman Films
C1 Z220 Shot Signature Jolt: Zapruder Film Only
A5 Z328 Shot Close-Up Reflex Reactions: Z/N/M Films
B4 Z310 Shot Reflex Reaction Closeups: Z/N/M Films
E2 Dorman Film Bullet Shock Wave Induced Blurring: All three shots
E1 Zapruder Film Bullet Shock Wave Blurring: Second and Third Shots
1 Introduction/summary
A2 Brain-matter fallout for the Z328 shot: Z/N/M films
2 Preview and Order Book via Create Space
F Oswald shooting reflex reactions
B2 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z310 Second Shot
C2 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z220 First Shot
A3 Zapruder Film Reflex and Alarm Reactions: Z328 Third Shot