1 Introduction/summary

You are viewing the companion web pages for a book titled:

The Complete Unraveling of the JFK Assassination:

A Lost Bullet’s Deadly Trail

By Brian T. Kelleher (Feb 2015)

Note to visitors to these web pages at www.kelleherassoc.com – To observe the more subtle reflex reactions and the Z330 cranial eruption in the following web pages, please place your eyes close to the screen. Please be aware that you must scroll down where the given page displays multiple film images. Also please be aware that that these pages are a work in progress and that I am using poor quality film images that I downloaded from the public domain.

For this analysis, the Zapruder film’s documented recording speed of 18.3 frames per second provides the time stamp for the shot-firing sequence commencing with Zapruder frame Z133 (Z133). This is the point at which the presidential limo closely trailed by the four-man motorcycle police escort and the presidential follow-up car (Queen Mary) had just completed the left turn off Houston Street onto Elm Street and was directly in front of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). The start time is considered to be 12:30 p.m. central standard time.

Overview – The visual shot identifiers displayed via repetitive-loop film sequences in the following web pages and the above print-on-demand book provide irrefutable proof that President Kennedy was hit from the rear by three separate rifle shots fired from the TSBD’s southeast corner sixth floor window (sniper’s nest). Because government investigators retained by the U.S. Department of Justice were unaware of this critically important evidence, they falsely concluded that one of the three shots fired from the sniper’s nest missed, that a single bullet caused all of Governor Connally’s wounds, and that a shot which reached the limo at Z313 hit the president in the cowlick area.


Why/how the “visual shot identifier evidence provides irrefutable proof of exactly what happened as three shots rang out

The motion picture evidence in the JFK case confirms the scientifically established fact that human beings (unless hearing impaired) who are subjected to an unexpected sudden loud noise such as a rifle muzzle blast or bullet shock wave will ordinarily exhibit an involuntary auditory reflex reaction that commences exactly 0.15 seconds (three Z frames) after the noise wave reaches the ear drum, plus or minus 0.05 seconds (1 Z frame).

The motion picture evidence in the JFK case confirms the scientifically established fact that the human auditory reflex reaction is ordinarily manifest in a readily observable dart of the head or flinch/recoil that takes place in the ensuing 0.15 second (three Z-frames) interval.

The motion picture evidence in the JFK case confirms the scientifically established fact that when a high-speed full metal jacket bullet weighing 10.4 grams traveling at about 2,000 feet per second hits a seated human being, it will ordinarily cause the wounded body part to jolt forward in the next 0.1 second (two Z frame) interval as a result of the transfer of at least a portion of its momentum.

It is plainly evident under close examination of the motion-picture images, that the telltale reflex reactions and signature jolts for all three shots were captured on film by Abraham Zapruder and for the last two shots by Orville Nix and Marie Muchmore. It is plainly evident under close examination of the motion pictures images that the telltale reflex reactions for eleven of the spectators lining Elm Street directly in front of the TSBD were captured for the last two shots by Elsie Dorman and Dave Wiegman.

Because the onset of involuntary reflex reactions is plainly evident under close examination of the collective motion-pictures images, the onset of involuntary reflex reactions among other visual clues can be used to synchronize all the films relative to the Zapruder film’s known recording speed of 18.3 frames per second. This makes it possible to scientifically establish the location of the shooter and proves that all of the films are authentic and have not been doctored.

Summary of what the visual shot identifiers show as to shot sequence

The first two shots – The motion picture images taken by Zapruder, Nix and Muchmore collectively provide dramatic irrefutable visual proof that President Kennedy and Governor Connally were struck from the rear at Zapruder frames Z222 and Z313. At Z222 the governor’s right shoulder jolted downward and forward just before the wounded president came into view from behind a sign at Z225 just beginning to raise his hands to the point in his lower neck where the bullet had exited. At Z313/Z314 the president’s head jolted downward and forward amidst a cranial eruption and the governor’s wounded right forearm jolted forward. The effects of the shots are plainly evident to the naked eye. Please see film sequences labeled B, C and D.

The third shot – Though the effects of the third and final shot are not nearly as conspicuous, any person that is not visually impaired can similarly confirm with their own eyes that the president was hit a second time in the head at Z330/Z331 . . .  if they know what to look for. Please see film sequences labeled A, D and E and the summary information provided below.

Summary of signature jolts and cranial eruptions for the Z330 shot

The president and first lady – During the 0.1 second interval equivalent to Z330 to Z331, the Zapruder, Nix and Muchmore film images each show the president’s head jolting forward about 3 inches amidst the forward and rearward jettisons of whitish brain fluids that is most conspicuous at Nix frame N040 (Z330). The Zapruder and Nix film images show related perceptible movements of Ms. Kennedy’s head and shoulders due to the force of the left side of the president’s head jolting up against her right shoulder and right cheek.

Nellie Connally – During the interval equivalent to Z331 to Z332, the Zapruder and Nix film images show jettisoned brain fluids striking the back of Nellie Connally’s head tainting her hair partly grey and causing her head to jolt downward and forward several inches.

The lid of trunk – During the interval equivalent to Z331 to Z335, the Zapruder, Nix and Muchmore film images each show whitish brain matter landing and accumulating on the lid of the trunk in the area directly behind the president’s head.

There is no plausible explanation for these effects other than a high-powered rifle shot entering the limo from the rear at Z330.

Summary of signature auditory reflex reactions for the Z330 shot

Dorman film images – During the 0.15-second interval equivalent to Z332 to Z335, all six spectators lining the south side of Elm directly in front of the TSBD that were in reasonably clear camera view of Elsie Dorman concurrently darted their heads to the right toward the TSBD sniper’s nest with at least two tilting their head back to look up at it. Due to her own auditory reflex reaction to the muzzle blast noise, Ms. Dorman jerked her camera to the left two frames earlier commencing at Z330. Ms. Dorman was located about 35 feet from the TSBD sniper’s nest and the spectators in view were about 115 feet away.

Wiegman film images – During the 0.15-second interval equivalent to Z331 to Z334, four of the five spectators lining the north side of Elm directly in front of the TSBD that were in reasonably clear camera view of NBC cameraman Dave Wiegman concurrently darted their heads to the left. The fifth spectator jerked her left arm up (flinched). Due to his own auditory reflex reaction to the muzzle blast noise, Mr. Wiegman jerked his camera upward and to his right two frames later commencing at Z332 and stopped the abrupt movement with his camera aimed at a point at street level directly below the sniper’s nest. Mr. Wiegman was located about 115 feet from the TSBD sniper’s nest and the spectators were about 70 feet away.

Muchmore film images – During the 0.15-second interval equivalent to Z333 to Z336, all those in reasonably clear camera view of Marie Muchmore concurrently darted their heads to the left or right or flinched/recoiled. This includes three in the presidential limo, three of the four motorcycle police escort, one in the Queen Mary, and five spectators. Due to her own auditory reflex reaction to the muzzle blast noise, Ms. Muchmore jiggled her camera resulting in blurred images at the equivalent of Z334. Ms. Muchmore was located about 220 feet from the TSBD sniper’s nest and those in camera view were about 260 to 280 feet away and subject to bullet shock-wave noise that arrived with the speeding bullet.

Nix film images – During the 0.15-second interval equivalent to Z333 to Z336, all those in reasonably clear camera view of Orville Nix concurrently darted their heads to the left or right or flinched/recoiled. This includes three in the presidential limo, all four motorcycle police escort, two in the Queen Mary, and three spectators. Due to his own auditory reflex reaction to the muzzle blast noise, Mr. Nix jiggled his camera resulting in blurred images at the equivalent of Z337. Mr. Nix was located about 340 feet from the TSBD sniper’s nest and the spectators were about 270 feet away and subject to bullet shock-wave noise that arrived with the speeding bullet.

Zapruder film images – During the 0.15-second interval Z333 to Z336, all those in reasonably clear camera view of Abraham Zapruder concurrently darted their heads to the left or right or flinched/recoiled. This includes four in the presidential limo, one of the four motorcycle police escort, and one spectator. Due to his own auditory reflex reaction to the muzzle blast noise, Mr. Zapruder jiggled his camera resulting in blurred images at Z336. Mr. Zapruder was located about 260 feet from the TSBD sniper’s nest and those in camera view were about 270 feet to 280 feet away and subject to bullet shock-wave noise that arrived with the speeding bullet.

Given the very narrow 0.15 second window of time in which the reactions concurrently occur, there is no plausible explanation for these movements other than an auditory reflex reaction to muzzle blast or shock wave noise emanating from a shot fired from the TSBD sniper’s nest at early Z328 with the bullet entering the limo at late Z330.

Within a range of plus or minus one Z frame (0.055 second), the onset of the auditory reflex reaction is in all cases predicted by the following simple equation for a bullet fired from the TSBD sniper’s nest at mid Z328. The calculations take into consideration the distances involved (filmmakers to sniper and in some cases president to sniper), the known speed of sound (~1,125 feet per second) and the known average speed of the bullet (~1900 to 2,000 feet per second).

Predicted onset of reflex reaction (Z frame) plus or minus one Z frame = Z328 plus 2.5 Z frames (0.14 second) plus the time of travel of the muzzle-blast or bullet-shock-wave noise to reach the ears of the person reacting (Z frames at 0.055 second).

Examples using the distances provided above:

  • Dorman = 328 + 2.5 + [(35/1,125) x 18.3] = Z331 (actual = Z330);
  • Wiegman and south of Elm Street spectators facing TSBD = 328 + 2.5 + [(115/1,125) x 18.3] = Z332.5 (actual = Z332);
  • Muchmore = 328 + 2.5 + [(220/1,125) x 18.3] = Z334 (actual = Z334);
  • Zapruder = 328 + 2.5 + [(260/1,125) x 18.3] = Z335 (actual = Z336);
  • Nix = 328 + 2.5 + [(340/1,125) x 18.3] = Z336 (actual = Z337).